Tiffany Clermont

Tiffany is a Breaking News reporter, known for her coverage of the Heavenly Days red carpet, available here.

Mackenzie Lambert

Mackenzie is an accomplished martial arts practitioner, even though she’s still in college.

Dave and his buddies

Dave is a troublemaker from the word go, but even he has buddies.

Isabella Fox

Isabella, a graduate of Coastal College, continues to live at the Apthorp while she tries to decide what to do with her life.

Emily Little

Emily, 17, is the youngest resident of the Apthorp. From a family of limited financial means, she is shy and easily embarrassed.

Katherine Hart

Katherine comes from a wealthy family with a tradition of public service. She was once a dedicated worshiper of the god Bolinas. She hates change of any kind, but she’s changing.

Anthony Young

Anthony, fresh from an undistinguished career at a college in the central valley of California, lives and works at the Apthorp.

Audrey Brewer

Audrey is a practical and grounded individual. She wants to live a normal life.

F F (Fairfax Fern) Crescente

F F is a priest and the number one assistant to the High Priest of Bolinas. He and Audrey are an item.

The Apthorp

An apartment building in Bolinas, CA, where Mackenzie, Katherine, Isabella, Emily, Audrey, and Anthony live. A complete history of the Apthorp is here.